“The cooperative ethos is tangible”
Michel Borgijink runs a family business in Emmeloord, the Netherlands, specialising in dairy cows and arable farming. The 43-year-old has been a member of the DOC Kaas cooperative for 17 years and is co-owner of DMK GmbH.

“Sustainability is an issue that is close to my heart. Farmers who invest in animal welfare and biodiversity should be recognised and fairly rewarded. This is a clear form of recognition for our work. We are participating in the new Farming Type 3 initiative without having to change much because we already provide the best care for our cows. Healthy and happy cows produce high quality milk and it gives me great pleasure to walk through a barn full of vital animals.

The cooperative ethos is tangible at DOC Kaas. You can see it in the management and the ever-present field staff, who are committed to the interests of the members. This cooperation strengthens the sense of community. I particularly appreciate the regional meetings, which enable direct exchange and provide information on current developments and future strategies.

However, I think there are some things that could be improved. For example, I would like to see a change from quantity to content in the way milk is accepted. At the moment we pay per 100 litres of milk. It would be fairer if the price were instead determined by the high fat and protein content per 100 litres of milk, especially for farms like ours that achieve high levels. This change would not only mean higher milk prices, it would also be more sustainable as less milk would be needed to make cheese. It would also reduce the amount of transport needed to collect the milk, which would help the environment. In addition, DOC Kaas should be more visible in Uniekaas' advertising campaigns. Consumers are not aware that Uniekaas is made from the milk of DOC Kaas members.

I think DMK's overall strategy of reaching consumers of all ages is smart. It creates brand loyalty and allows you to offer a wide range. The focus on plant-based products is also forward-looking, as long as it supports the members' milk price.